Oakland Macomb Obstetrics & Gynecology P.C


No one ever stops to think about the muscles that support their uterus and bladder until those muscles weaken and the pelvic organs prolapse or fall down from their normal position. At Oakland Macomb Obstetrics & Gynecology, P.C., in Rochester Hills and Troy, Michigan, women get the comprehensive care they need to overcome the discomfort of prolapsed organs. If you have questions about unusual pelvic pressure or urinary incontinence, call the nearest office or schedule an appointment online.

Prolapse Q & A

What is pelvic organ prolapse?

When a pelvic organ prolapses, it slides out of its normal position, typically moving down and pushing into the vagina. This problem occurs when the muscles that normally hold the organs in place, called pelvic floor muscles, become weak or damaged.

Like all the muscles in your body, pelvic floor muscles can lose tone as you get older. They also become stretched and weakened from carrying a baby, during vaginal childbirth, and due to everyday activities that put pressure on the muscles, such as frequent coughing and lifting heavy objects.

Which pelvic organs commonly prolapse?

The organs that can prolapse include: 

  • Uterus, called a uterine prolapse

  • Bladder, called a cystocele

  • Rectum, called a rectocele

  • Vagina, called a vaginal vault prolapse

  • Small intestine, called an enterocele

The uterus and bladder most often prolapse. 

What symptoms occur if I have a pelvic organ prolapse?

Feeling pressure during physical activities or when you have sex can be one of the first signs of prolapse. As the prolapse gets worse, you may:

  • See or feel a bulge in your vagina

  • Feel like something is coming out of your vagina

  • Experience pressure, aching, or fullness in your pelvic area

  • Feel pelvic pressure when you stand or cough

  • Struggle to insert tampons

  • Develop low back pain

  • Have urinary incontinence

The same weak muscles responsible for your prolapse can also cause urinary incontinence.

How is pelvic organ prolapse diagnosed and treated?

Your provider at Oakland Macomb Obstetrics & Gynecology, P.C., can diagnose a prolapse during a pelvic exam. Your individualized treatment plan begins with the most conservative options and only proceeds to surgery when necessary.

The top treatment options include:

  • Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises)

  • Losing weight

  • Physical therapy

  • Pessary

  • Surgery

If your prolapse is severe enough to require surgery, the procedure involves repositioning the prolapsed organ and repairing the pelvic floor muscles. Then your provider implants a mesh to reinforce the vaginal wall.

A hysterectomy is an option if you have a severe uterine prolapse and you’re sure you don’t want to have children in the future. 

If you have symptoms of vaginal prolapse, call Oakland Macomb Obstetrics & Gynecology, P.C., or schedule an appointment online.